Here’s Some Energy Boosting Food and Beverage Ideas to Kickstart Your Failing Body.
If you’ve been feeling tired lately, join the club!
In today’s recklessly fast paced world it is becoming more and more common to feel tired from the moment you drag yourself out of bed in the morning until the time you hit the sack at night. The merry-go-round just never seems to stop.
Many people resort to caffeine, energy bars and drinks and sugar laden goodies to help get them through the day, but this is an ill-fated solution. All of these quick and easy fixes generally result in a crash and burn effect (not to mention what it does to your waistline).
Of course food is intended to deliver energy; so your food choices are crucial to your everyday physical and mental wellbeing.
One good example of this is chocolate. Regular lollies and sweets may perk you up, but you’ll slump again in a few minutes when the sugar boost subsides. But, 56 grams (two ounces) of pure, dark chocolate, on the other hand will give you more lasting energy and antioxidant benefits to boot.

Surprisingly, herbs and spices can boost your energy and add also some interesting flavours and zing to your meals. The capsaicin found in hot chili peppers is a tasty energy booster that also helps lower your blood pressure, boost your immune system and improve your circulation.
Curry powder is another excellent, tasty spice mix that has marvellous health benefits.
Generally it’s a blend of turmeric, cumin, pepper, garlic, cinnamon, chili powder and more. Curry powder improves blood circulation, calms the nerves and can even help ward off cancer. The fact that it improves your blood circulation means more oxygen to the brain, which means a more alert outlook.

A banana is a perfectly packaged all natural snack that will give you the pick-me-up you want from a snack.
The difference between a banana and a processed food product is that the banana will give you an even, reliable boost by stabilizing your blood sugar levels with a good dose of potassium and other valuable vitamins and minerals.
Speaking of well packaged, natural snacks, remember the rest of the fruit world too. There is nothing easier to carry along to work than apples, oranges or even grapes. These all natural snacks are great for your body, boost your energy levels and have no excessive packaging to toss out into the landfill.
Popcorn is another excellent, crunchy snack that adds fibre to your diet without adding a lot of calories. Just be careful about what you put on it. Avoid commercially prepared toppings like “Movie theatre butter”. These are just flavoured hydrogenated oil which is really bad for you. A dash of olive oil in the bottom of the saucepan when you are cooking it is all you need; other flavours, like the suggestion below, can be added later.
Popcorn is actually a food that delivers some good nutrients and health benefits as well. Take it to work for a snack and add some roasted pepitas and sunflower seeds and throw in some toasted shaved coconut. Good for you and tastes great too.
There’s a reason why Popeye ate heaps of spinach; for strength and energy – and iron. Greens like spinach, kale, turnip, mustard and collard greens are just packed with health giving iron. This strengthens your blood and puts a spring in your step.
Remember to choose pure filtered water over just about any other drink. Every part of your body needs water to function properly, right down to the smallest cell.
Being dehydrated can have serious health, energy and mood consequences, and can prevent your body from being able to absorb nutrients. Perk up your water with a twist of lemon or lime or instead, by drinking white or green tea.
Another tea I love for its significant antioxidant benefits is the Argentinian’s favourite brew; La Merced Yerba Mate. Compared to green tea, the Pasteur Institute found Yerba Mate to be a far more potent brew containing significantly greater antioxidant elements (including polyphenols) so is an excellent choice on a daily basis for your health and general wellbeing.
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