Here’s something really important I would like to share with you………….
…….exercise, hypertension and its implications for your Health.
You don’t want to have a nasty incident that could wreck your day… you?
Then let me pass on a few basic facts I have researched for you about hypertension and its implications in your life and your daily activities.
Hypertension is the medical term for what I simply call high blood pressure. And let’s face it……..plenty of people our age have this problem.This condition occurs when your blood pressure exceeds the readings defined as normal by the medical world.

I am sure nearly all baby boomers know this but just in case; blood pressure readings are measured with a special monitor and they consist of two numbers, the systolic and the diastolic one. If the systolic number is greater than 140 mm mercury and the diastolic number is greater than 90 mm mercury, it means you may have hypertension.
It is important to measure both the systolic and the diastolic pressure. The systolic number is the blood pressure when the heart beats, while the diastolic number is the blood pressure when the heart rests between two beats. Both numbers are equally important, so the correct blood pressure measurement will always indicate both of them.
You should also know that one single measurement of your blood pressure that indicates levels higher than normal is not enough for making a correct hypertension diagnosis.
Even if you have normal blood pressure, you can get high values if you measure it immediately after an exhausting workout session or even a round of golf (but before you attack the 19th hole). There are also other influencing factors such as your hormone levels, your salt and water consumption or the health of your kidneys and blood vessels.
Your doctor is the only one who is qualified to diagnose you and recommend you medication, if needed.
Obviously age is also a factor that increases the risk of developing hypertension.
Fortunately high blood pressure responds well to lifestyle changes and a good dose of aerobic exercise.
This is why older people need to develop their daily fitness with exercises under the supervision of a personal trainer for seniors, as they know just how far you can push your limits and stay on the safe side at the same time.
So now that you are aware of the risk factors now I can tell you a few indicators that would put you in the segment of the population with a high risk for contracting hypertension.
The list would include things like diabetes, smoking, anxiety, obesity, long-term stress and African American heritage. Being at higher risk for hypertension doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get it, but it surely is a signal for you to take some preventative measures.
When it is referred to as “secondary hypertension” it means that the condition is the result of another disease such as renal artery stenosis, chronic kidney disease or atherosclerosis.
In such cases, treatment may differ from the one prescribed in essential (primary) hypertension. This is why it is so important that a doctor examines you and gives you the correct diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment for your particular case.
If you told me you experience symptoms such as nose bleeding, fatigues, headaches, ear noises, vision troubles or confusion, I’d send you to your doctor as soon as possible with the recommendation for several medical tests.
After a thorough examination and a full set of tests, your doctor should be able to determine if you suffer from hypertension and what treatment plan you should follow in order to keep it under control.
It is important to be aware that you can’t undergo any strenuous exercise routines unless your blood pressure is within normal limits; otherwise you risk a vascular accident which may be lethal or severely impairing. Imagine what could happen if you do cardiovascular training while already having blood pressure that is way too high.
With the blood flow increasing as a result of the exercise, there will be even more pressure put on the blood vessels which they may not be able to resist. If a blood vessel were to burst then you’re in big trouble so be wise and have regular check-ups.
This is why people who have been diagnosed with hypertension should change their lifestyle to match this sometimes severe and dangerous medical condition. It is a very serious issue and you shouldn’t neglect it if you want to preserve your ongoing good health and physical condition.
Depending on the severity of your disease, the doctor will tell you what kind of physical exercise is the most appropriate for you. Based on these recommendations, we can then sit down and develop a specially structured workout tailored to suit your body and to your health status.
By being aware of your own health issues and what limitations these may have on your exercise program is the best way to go if you want to protect yourself and maintain a good quality of life until a ripe old age.
So remember this: “Time and health are two precious assets that we (often) don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley.
Awesome advice!
Thanks Irene. Appreciate your comment.