Like to have your best year ever………you can.
It is much easier than you may think. Just read along with me and follow my leads.
But first let’s consider this. It is believed that nearly 50% of the population makes a New Years Resolution; and do you know what tops the list – weight loss.
So why do we have such an obesity problem throughout the world? Could it have anything to do with self-motivation (or the lack of)?
Some may even ask what the fitness industry really needs to be providing to solve such a huge problem.
Maybe we need to find out what’s holding you back and why, then together, we will explore the theory that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.It’s almost the end of January; the silly season is well and truly over and the dawning of a new year now pales into insignificance, along with all those grand plans so many of us made to improve our lot in the coming year.
So what did you end up achieving last year?
All that you set out to do, some of it or none of it at all?
I don’t know what it is that pumps us up so much at the start of a New Year but it certainly has a huge effect on a large number of people. Just imagine if you could bottle all that fervor and good intention……it would make you a fortune.
But when all is said and done, it still comes back to just one thing; “if it is to be then it’s up to me.”
Nothing ever seems to change, does it?
So we have wiped the slate clean…..forgotten what may have been and now it’s time to get on with what will be.
It’s time to get motivated and make this your best year yet.
It doesn’t matter where you start; just pick one thing you want to change in your life and get started. Write it down, stick it on the fridge where you will see it every day; that will help you get going.
But self-motivation can be difficult.
I can’t motivate you, I can only give you the information; when you use that information it becomes knowledge and that’s when you become motivated.
So in the end……only you can motivate yourself.
If you would like something that will definitely inspire and motivate you towards a more fulfilling life then check out the best selling book by my friend and author Ritchie Gibson called “Be You Be Great“. I was so impressed by the content of this book I bought a copy for both my (adult) kids.
Have a read of this quote from the book “I Feel Great and You Will Too” by Pat Croce which is an inspirational journey of success with loads of practical tips on how to score big in life – it goes like this: “No one ever stays the same – you’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. But simply knowing and accepting this gives you the opportunity to make your changes positive ones.”
And talking about changes…..that’s exactly what we have to do so we can end up in a better place by this time next year.
Albert Einstein explains it well: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It’s a bit hard to argue with that one.
Some people are rooted in the same old hum drum life often from FEAR…….the fear of failure.

When I looked at one of my favourite sites this morning, motivationgrid, this quote from Denis Waitley caught my eye; “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.”
Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”
So have no FEAR, it’s never too late to start something new. If you aren’t happy with what happened yesterday, last week or even last year then get up in the morning and try something different (even if it is only what you have for breakfast – at least that’s a start).
Don’t stay stuck. Ask yourself each morning, “What one thing can I do better today?”………..and then go for it.
As I mentioned earlier, self-motivation is something you have to do yourself but I can help by giving you the path to some great material that you can turn into knowledge.
Here are 5 inspirational TED talks that may well change your life forever. I hope they do.
And if that’s not enough to stoke your fire then watch this video…….it really is a lesson for all of us in self-motivation and sheer guts and determination. The most inspiring person I have ever seen with an absolutely amazing story to tell. You can’t help but be impressed with this one.
Let me know how you go in your quest to lose weight, change your lifestyle or maybe something totally different like get that new dream job or starting some study to upgrade your skills.
And here’s one last tip.
The secret of change and getting ahead is all down to just getting started – it doesn’t really matter where you start. And remember, strive for progress, not perfection.
If you need a bit more help…..then just ask me…..if I don’t know the answer then I probably know someone who will.
Cheers – John – your Active Ageing Coach and Activist.
P.S. Do a friend a favour…….spread the word… and share. Thanks
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