Continued from Part 2:
Changing your commitment level is both humbling and liberating.
It’s humbling in the sense that you can set attainable goals – no one is asking you to reinvent your entire life or belief system. You can break your goals up into increments that are easier to manage.
The process is also liberating because you free yourself from the pressure and self-deprecation of not achieving those goals.

Think about it and apply it to the rest of your life. You take a home loan out, knowing that you are putting yourself in debt. And, the financial contract you have agreed to makes you both accountable and obligated to fulfill your end of the bargain. You do it automatically. Think about your job. You might not like it, it might not motivate you, but you keep going back because you are obligated firstly to your employer and secondly to your financial lenders and suppliers to pay for the things you need in your life.
If you don’t get the exercise you need and feed yourself with decent nutrition you will get sick more often. You may develop one or more chronic conditions that are going to compromise your quality of life and cost you money. You may think you’re okay but the reality of it is, a lot of the people I come across are not even aware they have a problem until it is way too late.
You don’t have to be one of these people!
Chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and even some types of cancer can go undetected in the body for a long time. It’s only when they’re really serious or life-threatening that they get your full attention.
And, because I know that by telling you how bad it is for you is not going to motivate you to make the changes, you need to also consider everyone else – your family and loved ones.
So, regardless of your age, now would be a great time to take a step in the right direction and begin your commitment to active ageing?
I have equipped you with the knowledge of what you are up against and how you can hold yourself back and get on track to a better and healthier lifestyle so just follow these four steps and you will be well on your way to a better life.
1. Know what you want. Write it down.
2. Figure out how you’re going to get it (the plan of attack).
3. Implement the plan (take action).
4. Make adjustments as needed until you achieve your goal.
And, remember: Myself (and your family and friends) are counting on you and if you need any help be sure to ask for it……we all need some at times.
Let me know how you go.
There is no failure except in no longer trying.
[…] Continue on and read Part 3. […]