Have you noticed it too?
For many people, as we get older, it seems all too easy to become slack and less motivated about exercising and maintaining our senior fitness levels.
Well, I have discovered the solution – Active Ageing is the best answer for Anti-Aging.
We are all ageing, you can’t change the process because that’s just how life is. But you are in control of managing your own aging process……you can slow the clock considerably with a few lifestyle changes. Staying fit past 50 or even 60 or 70 is quite achievable.
I have also noticed many older peoples nutritional levels deteriorate as well. Unfortunately ‘we are what we eat’.
Slowly but surely, all the good habits people have developed over many years seem to get replaced by bad ones.
Like sitting too much – or as I say…..resting and rusting!
And you can no longer resist the temptation of that bowl of ice cream or a few squares of chocolate before going to bed each night. Or else it is so easy to start skipping your morning walk or the exercise routine you did for so many years.
Why does this happen to so many of us?
Is it that exercise makes you feel tired and just doesn’t seem to re-energize you anymore, like it used to?
I know sometimes the loss of a partner or loved one has a devastating effect on your motivation to get up and get going. But really, it could be any number of things.
So if you are a baby boomer and feeling your body shape is declining and you are wondering if it worth trying to keep exercising and maintain healthy eating habits then don’t worry.
What if I said you could add up to ten years to your life?
Well I have some good news for you……………you can.
Would you like to know the perfect answer to Anti-Aging…….well, here’s my little secret and it’s guaranteed to work…….it is Active Ageing.
That’s why you need to read one of my most popular articles which I wrote especially for people over 55 or have already reached retirement age: Why Exercise is Vital in Preventing Serious Health Issues in Old Age.
According to the latest scientific and medical studies, if you are fit in your senior years, then quality of life (also lifestyle diseases) and longevity markedly improve.
So, some strength exercises for seniors is what you need to be doing…….regularly. Take it from me, you will be amazed by the results.
A good example is a 64 year old client of mine who couldn’t even get down onto the floor to play Leggo with his grand-kids. Getting back up again was even worse. After four months on the program I wrote for him he could get up and down off the floor with ease. His wife was so excited with the results she even sent me a video of his progress while my wife and I were away on holidays with our grand-kids.
If you maintain a good level of fitness, it improves not only your body, but also has a beneficial impact on the brain.
So unless you have some genetic flaws which have the capacity to cause Alzheimer’s or dementia, and if you maintain a healthy diet and keep on exercising, your brain will keep on ticking at a level which will make you independent for a long, long time to come.
And just quickly, while we are on the subject of genes, which many people tend to use as an excuse for weight-gain and aging, I just came across an interesting new book named “Younger: A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse Aging and Turn Back the Clock 10 Years” by Dr Sarah Gottfreid, an expert on epigenetics.
I recommend you have a look as it dispels a lot of theories about genetics.
According to Dr Gottfried, “only 10% of your risk for weight gain, lagging metabolism, and early aging is genetic whereas the other 90% is determined by your exposome, what scientists call the external environmental exposures and the internal effects on your body”.
Harry Gaines, a retired cyclist and senior fitness convert, recently wrote a book called “Fitness Beyond 50: Turn Back the Clock”.
It is a great read if you are keen to improve your health and fitness and I highly recommend you read it as it will change your mind about the years ahead.
He states, “Regardless of your age, health and overall fitness is attainable”.
And he is right……I have proven this over and over again.
That’s great news for anyone who has developed a ‘couch potato syndrome’ in recent years. It’s never too late to start and renew your body and mind.
According to Gaines, if seniors know the great impact of fitness on our longevity and health, they will be more motivated to improve their healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they will be free from adult lifestyle diseases like diabetes and osteoporosis as well as heart disease and high blood pressure.
It is simple to learn how to exercise, but understanding the scientific reasons for staying fit in your senior years is really important and also a great motivator to get moving.
There is another advantage for seniors for staying fit as you age.
You can save money on medical costs. According to one study, seniors who exercised at least twice a week saved almost $1,300 on medical costs compared to those who didn’t.
Usually exercise programs are very affordable and often don’t cost anything at all. See if you can find a community program in your area that is made specifically for seniors and join in. Apart from the health benefits you are sure to find some new friends as well.

Thanks to modern technology seniors nowadays can exercise at home too. You can use DVD’s or join in one of the special exercise programs on TV.
You don’t need to become a member at the gym nor do you need any special equipment. Your own bodyweight and some light weights will do the job for you.
Senior fitness is as easy as exercising for at least thirty minutes a day three to five days a week; it will certainly improve your health and your chance of longevity.
Even if you’ve developed a few bad habits over the years, you can start today and turn those bad old habits into good ones. It is never too late to start and it is the best and cheapest investment you can make for yourself.
Just like you spend your money, spend your time by investing it in the best activities which will ensure you have an enhanced quality of life.
Let’s all get motivated – join me and become part of the Active Ageing Movement and enjoy your retirement to its fullest!
There is no excuse to keep you from exercising.
“As you age, inactivity becomes the quiet killer; but fortunately, it is NEVER too late to discover the benefits and pleasure of healthy eating or starting an anti-aging exercise program.” – John Falkinder (so join the Active Ageing Movement NOW)
Just remember, it only takes 20 to 30 minutes a day to make all the difference in your senior years. And time is something we have plenty of when we get older so why not enjoy it?
Here’s to a longer and healthier life!
Cheers – John (your Active Ageing Mentor and Coach)
This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell my mother-in-law for years. Thank you for summarizing it in a place I can share with her. Maybe it’ll be just the push she needs.
Hi Sandy…..I really appreciate your comment. Hope it helps your mother-in-law. Cheers – John.