Continued from Part 1:
7. Phone a friend
Having a friend join you during your workout sessions can keep both of you motivated and accountable.
There are going to be those days when you just don’t want to get going.
Knowing you’re meeting up with a friend will give you just the motivation you need to turn up as you don’t want to let your friend down plus you guys can help push each other along during the workouts. Not only that, but you’ll be socializing during the workout which is also good for you.
Whether you’re going to the gym, playing a sport, walking in the park or something else, it’s always great to have a friend from time to time to join you. It will also present you with more possibilities when exercising. When a friend can’t join you, there are always community exercise classes, bootcamps and the likes so that you have company.
8. Exercise outside in the sun
While the weather often dictates what you’re able to do outside, exercising outdoors is helpful in many ways. Studies show that certain chemicals are released in the brain when you’re exercising outside, which is going to make you feel good while working out. It also provides you with your

daily dose of Vitamin D (and make sure you wear your sunscreen).
As well, there are a ton of different options for you to enjoy that you can’t necessarily do inside. This strengthens your fitness regimen because you’re adding variety.
You’re also able to experience different terrains, which helps you to work out different muscle groups. When you’re on exercising equipment, this is not as easy, and your body catches on, called muscle memory, and muscle groups then get used to the routine. Shaking things up a bit will actually help your body burn more calories.
9. Use your whole body when exercising
When doing a specific exercise, maximize the amount of calories burned by finding different ways to use your entire body. For instance, when walking, swing those arms and use hand weights. You can even attach weights to your body in certain places to help build muscle and burn more calories.
Swimming is a great all body workout, and it’s also a lot of fun! If you go to the gym then try a Concept 2 rowing machine they work most of your body as well.
Think about it! You’re going to be doing the same exercises for the same amount of time. But, you’re going to be doing little things to see a larger number of calories burned. It’s that easy, and it will pay off big time.
10. Interval training is the key
People are all about routines, and you can get in the habit of exercising in a linear fashion. For example, you might walk five kilometres in the park at the same pace or jog those five kilometres at the same pace. It is good you are exercising but you are not getting the most benefit for your efforts.
Interval training is when you switch things up a little. Here is an example to get you started: walk for three minutes then jog or fast running (if you can) for one minute then repeat the cycle until you have finished. This helps you with heart health and is going to help you burn more calories over a longer period of time.
Tip: If you are just starting out with an exercise program then build up slowly before you start doing sessions of interval training.
11. Strength training is also important for seniors
It is always important for EVERYONE to do some type of strength training exercises.
There are many different choices with different intensities for all ages and situations. This should be done at least two and preferably three times each week.
Building functional muscles will help you get toned, and strength training is good for burning calories as well. And ladies, strength training is a great guard against osteoporosis so you should be doing a few sessions a week.
After a muscle conditioning session and your muscles are at rest they will burn a lot more calories because of the exercise. So make sure you’re planning some strength training sessions a few days a week as part of your fitness regimen.
12. Watch what you include in your diet
Here are the cold hard facts: If you have a great exercise regimen but a poor diet, you’re not going to get anywhere.
The two go hand in hand, so you must watch what you’re eating. Look for food choices that help provide you with energy for your fitness routine. You want to replenish your body with clean healthy nutrients.
Have you ever eaten and felt loaded down and all you feel like doing is taking a nap? Of course you have, and it’s because you are putting the wrong fuel in your body.
If you’re going to eat before your workout, you only want to eat small portions. I find a banana is good. Eating a nice large healthy protein based breakfast within an hour of finishing your workout is ideal. This is when your body is in burn calorie mode, your muscles need protein to repair and grow plus you are better prepared for digestion.
If you don’t eat a nice big breakfast after a workout, then at least eat something.
This replenishes your body with healthy food and helps keep your digestion and metabolism cycles operating smoothly. And, don’t mistake a big healthy breakfast as an excuse to overeat or eat foods that aren’t healthy. Many people tend to do this after a workout – it’s not healthy and will not get you anywhere.
13. Make sure you’re tracking your progress
Have you ever done something without a written record and then experienced the same task by staying organized and keeping written records?
Think about the difference in your experiences. You’re much more likely to realize success with your exercise program if you keep track of your results and progress.
You’re going to notice the improvement, which in turn serves as a great motivator, and you’re going to be able to make program changes easier as you see and realize what needs to be changed according to the improvement in your fitness.
This isn’t just about writing down goals and tracking times on paper. You can use a stopwatch, pedometer, and more to help keep track of your progress. When you are on a treadmill or similar machine, you’re able to see your progress as you’re working out.
Of course recording this information from day to day on paper is the key, but use all the tools you can to help keep track of your progress. In a years’ time from when you started your exercise diary you will be amazed when you look back at how much you have improved.
Now you know some helpful strategies when planning your workouts so that you maximize the amount of calories burnt, stay motivated and get more out of your fitness routine. A better workout means you will remain consistent and build towards your goals instead of giving up and burning out when it comes to doing exercise.
14) Planning and being Consistent
If you want to see some great results from your workouts the trick is, you have to plan well ahead and be consistent with your program. Don’t do that and you will only end up disappointed.
Nominate the days and times you are going to do your training and stick to it – hail, rain or shine. You are now at the point of no excuses.
Don’t expect to see results by the end of the first week but keep at it and in two to three months you will be starting to reap the rewards plus, sticking to your schedule will be much easier as you will have developed a new (good) habit.
* When doing your cardio always use the ‘Talk Test’. It is the easiest way to self-monitor your heart rate, doesn’t need any special equipment and is pretty accurate. If you are at all concerned then buy yourself a good heart rate monitor.
* To keep yourself motivated for longer and interested in your new activities think up some variations to your program and schedule these into your workout at different times. You will be surprised how this improves your performance as well as inspiring you to keep up the good work.
* Want to stay injury free? Don’t we all? Be vigilant…….it is most important to warm-up well before starting and do your cool-down stretches when you finish. This will help protect your joints, tendons and ligaments from any nasty injuries.
Good luck and let me know how you progress.
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