There’s certainly no big secret here. The fact is – we all have to exercise on a regular basis.
It’s unfortunate but as we age, just about every aspect of our body can break down.

With the likes of dropping hormone levels, we eventually experience deterioration in our muscles and bones. You wouldn’t think it’s even possible, but this includes our skin as well.
It’s almost scary to think about, but rather than ignore it we should face it head on.
By acknowledging the potential for our bodies to turn on us, we can better find strategies to slow the process down! We should start now with three of the best possible anti-aging exercises.
First, let me tell you why. Study after study shows that there is no better way to stop the aging process and to stop the rust in our joints getting worse than to have a regular exercise program in place – and that you stick to it regularly and religiously.
I am sure you will have already noticed – you get what you give in this life.
It can be difficult, but if you put in the work, you will get the results. There are no short cuts, no easy ways out. You think some miracle cream, potion or pill is going to do all the work for you? You’re fooling yourself!
Exercise is essential.
The key is regularity.
You have to make the time to exercise habitually, or it will all be for naught. You can’t be so focused on “now.” You have to think of your future as well. Picture it! Do you want to be old and decrepit? No! So do what you can right now to start working the following exercises into your daily routine:
1. Stretching and Flexibility
Make sure you do various stretches to keep as many of your body’s muscles active as possible. If you live a sedentary life just sitting and sitting, you will lose a lot of flexibility and many of your muscles will become more and more worthless. You have to work them!
2. Functional Strength training – weights and stretch bands
If you can stick with the gym, you need to work on getting your strength up. Staying limber and keeping the muscles in motion is one thing, but if you gradually push them further and further, as safely as possible, your overall strength will grow, and with it, your resilience against age!
3. Aerobic Conditioning – the best Cardio workout
A healthy heart is the cornerstone of any healthy body, so make sure to work in the likes of running and power walking into your routine. Even a weekly mile run is better than parking your rear on the couch to no end!
It will be hard at first, but in time, your ability to keep at it will grow.
The hardest part is just starting. Get over the mental blocks before it’s too late.
And ladies, here is something from Health News at NPR you really must read as it proves the benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of breast cancer:
“This could be the simplest bit of health advice ever: Exercise reduces women’s risk of breast cancer, no matter what kind of exercise they do, how old they are, how much they weigh, or when they get started.
Researchers in France looked at studies that involved more than 4 million women around the world who participated in prospective studies from 1987 to 2013. They found that the more active a woman is, the better her odds of avoiding breast cancer. Women, who were most active, with more than an hour a day of vigorous activity, got the most benefits, lowering their cancer risk by 12 percent.”
So, I urge you and all your friends to please read the rest of this inspiring article – you never know, it may save a life. Continue reading here:
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