Joseph F. Coughlin, Ph.D. told us that "Aging well is not about finding a place to rest. It’s about living in a place that pulls and pushes you out of your rocking chair." Such great advice. It’s a simple fact of life with such huge consequences. Something we tend not to think about too much…….that is … Continue Reading about Discover 5 Simple Ways to Improve the Aging Process
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5 Secrets to Self-Motivation and Achieving What You Want
Why is it that motivating others is easy, but we struggle to motivate ourselves? It often seems that there’s always another task that needs to … Continue Reading about 5 Secrets to Self-Motivation and Achieving What You Want

Discover How Self-Limiting and Faulty Beliefs Affect Everything You Do
Self-defeating, mistaken beliefs are the debilitating thoughts you have about yourself or how you view your relationships with others. You can … Continue Reading about Discover How Self-Limiting and Faulty Beliefs Affect Everything You Do

Tips for Sticking With Your Fitness Program
Starting is what’s stopping most people. So, get started. Regardless of what you have done in the past, every New Year, or maybe even a major event during the year, comes with a sense of renewal for many people and … Continue Reading about Tips for Sticking With Your Fitness Program

Can YOU be Fat, Fit and Healthy? It’s a raging Controversy.
The Fat and Fit Myth Exposed. This question has been the subject of some healthy debate around my gym of late, “Can you be fit and healthy and lessen the risk of a heart attack even though you may be … Continue Reading about Can YOU be Fat, Fit and Healthy? It’s a raging Controversy.

What is TUT or Time Under Tension?
and……why is TUT so Important for Building Muscle? Apart from something Grandma used to say....tut,tut,tut, TUT is a commonly used term in the bodybuilding industry and it stands for ‘time under tension.’ It refers … Continue Reading about What is TUT or Time Under Tension?